specialized in brand consulting, graphic design, cultural promotion, photography, advertising and multi-media communications.
won more than 500 local and international awards.
Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) member.
also known as "anothermountainman", in the art scene running over 100 shows local & overseas, representing Hong Kong for 2005 Venice Art Biennial.

Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI)成員。

show info

uncatalogued: the case of oil street artist village / 備案 · 待讀 油街藝術村

project description

Oil Street is a history built as much on gaps as on record and nostalgically lives on in the
memory of the community as an important moment in the city’s cultural development—as an
instance that allowed artists and organisations to engage in unconstrained experiments with a
low rent.

Uncatalogued The case of Oil Street Artist Village
“Uncatalogued”: Folders with unnamed index tab, informations that haven’t been organized.
“Uncatalogued” symbolizes scattered documents, piled up newspaper and photos etc; these
“uncatalogued” information about Oil Street was gathered and displayed in a 1990s inspired
data record room.
“Uncatalogued” is an exhibition with distinct theme; delicately decorated with furniture used by
artists from Oil Street, reference books and a timeline on the wall with precious historical
photos, newspaper and documents. Audience are guided by our narrators who walk them
through the timeline stated what was going on during the development and decline of Oil
Street. We let audiences to have a different experience, to enjoy a flash back of memory in the
history of Oil Street and Hong Kong art culture.

香港,2012 年5 月8 日──亞洲藝術文獻庫(下稱「文獻庫」)舉辦《備案‧待讀:油街藝術村》,拼湊出於香港島北角前政府物料供應處油街藝術村的歷史,以及於九十年代尾由一眾藝術家發起的「救油街聯合行動」。展覽將分別於香港國際藝術展裡亞洲藝術文獻庫攤位、以及其位於的荷里活道館址展出,展期至7 月8 日。2006 年,一名香港藝術家在離港前,匆匆的把一個滿載文件的箱子留在亞洲藝術文獻庫。這箱文件一直儲存於文獻庫的特選館藏室,直到2011 年才再被檢視, 關於九十年代後期發生的油街藝術村事件再次浮現。油街藝術村在1998-1999 年間於香港島北角前政府物料供應處冒起,至今仍然為香港藝術界/藝文界所津津樂道。在香港這彈丸之地,該處偌大的空間與低廉的租金可以說是難得一見,藝術家及藝術群體把握機會迅速遷入,在短短18 個月裡把原本的空間改頭換面,變成包含各類媒體的藝術空間和工作室。其後,政府決定收回油街地皮作其他用途,一眾藝術家遂發起「救油街聯合行動」,希望能改變政府初衷,保留油街藝術村,使之持續發展,無奈最終未能如願。對文獻庫而言,這箱資料既是一扇重新詮釋歷史的窗口,也是一次展現歷史研究之複雜性的機緣。文獻庫通過不同方式收集有關油街及油街藝術村的資料和文獻,拼湊出油街地皮(1908 至今)和油街藝術村(1998-2000)發展的平衡時間線,藉此嘗試重構這段佈滿間隙的近代歷史。為了以一個較輕鬆的方式去反映回憶的主觀性,文獻庫將展示一系列重新繪畫的油街版圖,以及邀請了駐紐約藝術家陳佩之及本地故事人雄仔叔叔重新演譯這些資料和文獻。《備案。待讀:油街藝術村》展覽將展示相關的文獻檔案、剪報、書信、插圖和相片等等,並分別於香港國際藝術展裡亞洲藝術文獻庫攤位、以及文獻庫的荷里活道的圖書館展出。


Asia Art Archive


collaterals , exhibition , space
